Pre Primary
“Children are not things to be moulded but people to be unfolded ” –Jess Lair.
Indeed, children come as packages wrapped with multi levels of talent and promise. It is up to the adults around them to unfold those levels and help them discover their innate capabilities and shape their unique personalities. In fact, the kindergarten years are vitally important in laying the foundation for a child’s learning and this has been recognized in the new National Education Policy.
At DPS Whitefield, our curriculum is unique in its approach towards teaching new concepts. We follow a combination of Montessori and Kindergarten pedagogy with a theme based and activity based curriculum, designed to achieve the 21st century skills of Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Communication from the foundational level. Our kindergarten children develop these qualities through fun filled ways of learning such as Circle time, Rhyme time, Story time, Reading time, audio–visual aids, field trips and celebrations of important festivals and events.
Primary education, today, is much more than the knowledge of reading, writing and arithmetic. As social life becomes more and more complex, the content of primary education is bound to expand. Primary education is the incubator for the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators, therefore at DPS Whitefield, we prepare the young minds through interesting and challenging instructional strategies and keep our students engaged in a meaningful manner. We follow the CBSE syllabus in a strict yet child friendly way which incorporates every tool for the holistic development of the child. A proper balance between academics and co-curricular activities helps the children to approach school life with interest and enthusiasm.
Open School (NIOS)

NIOS is the largest open schooling system in the world which primarily aims at making education accessible to all learners who find it challenging to confer to the rigors of formal schooling; the time frames for attending school and taking exams at set times during the year.
As a system it brings flexibility to the learner as the pace of learning and the subject choices are left to the interest of the student. The exams are also conveniently spread through the year to help the students learn and take exams at their comfort. NIOS enables athletes, dancers, children with special needs and others who do not have access to a formal schooling system for various reasons to pursue their interests and be considered for college admissions on par with the students from the conventional stream.
At DPS, Whitefield, we offer the NIOS curriculum parallel to the CBSE stream through Endeavour to support all students in their pursuit to complete secondary and senior secondary levels of education. In this endeavor, we have been successful in gearing our students to complete their twelfth grade and also enroll into prestigious colleges.